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This guide helps to configure PHPList to use your SMTP2GO Account to send email messages.
Adjust the example below for your needs. Make sure you change the following variables:
Edit config.php file usually located under /lists/config/ folder. Search for the following code:
# If you want to use the PHPMailer class from, set the following
# to 1. If you tend to send out html emails, it is recommended to do so.
# To use a SMTP please give your server hostname here, leave it blank to use the standard
# PHP mail() command.
# if you want to use smtp authentication when sending the email uncomment the following
# two lines and set the username and password to be the correct ones
#$phpmailer_smtpuser = 'smtpuser';
#$phpmailer_smtppassword = 'smtppassword';
Replace with below codes:
# If you want to use the PHPMailer class from, set the following
# to 1. If you tend to send out html emails, it is recommended to do so.
# To use a SMTP please give your server hostname here, leave it blank to use the standard
# PHP mail() command.
# if you want to use smtp authentication when sending the email uncomment the following
# two lines and set the username and password to be the correct ones
$phpmailer_smtpuser = 'smtpuser';
// Enter your SMTP2GO Username.
$phpmailer_smtppassword = 'smtppassword';
// Enter your SMTP2GO Password.
$phpmailer_smtpport = '2525';
// 8025, 587 and 25 can also be used
$phpmailer_smtpsecure = 'tls';
Edit the file /lists/admin/class.phplistmailer.php. Search for the following lines of code:
if (isset($GLOBALS['phpmailer_smtpuser']) && $GLOBALS['phpmailer_smtpuser'] != '') {
$this->SMTPAuth = true;
$this->Username = $GLOBALS['phpmailer_smtpuser'];
$this->Password = $GLOBALS['phpmailer_smtppassword'];
Add the following code:
$this->Port = $GLOBALS['phpmailer_smtpport'];
Please note: if you experience “timeouts” or problems connecting due to an unreliable internet connection, consider increasing the max_execution_time setting in the php.ini file on your server, to a value such as 120 (instead of the default value 30).
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Try SMTP2GO Free → Paid plans available for over 1,000 emails/month.