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SMTP2GO updates & email deliverability tips from helping over 35,000 companies deliver better email.
Emails vs Social Media: Which is more effective? In a world dominated by fast-paced social media, many companies are left wondering, “Are we wasting our time with emails?”
Despite the prolific growth of social media as a marketing and communication tool, newsletters are still one of the most effective and least expensive PR tools. But creating a newsletter that gets delivered and, most importantly, viewed, can be something of a challenge. When it comes to the creation and sending of newsletters, the adoption […]
We’re proud to announce the launch of Fluttermail Email Marketing, a really useful web-based service for creating and sending email newsletters to thousands of your contacts. While SMTP2GO is perfect for sending important transactional and day-to-day emails, and for integrating with email software or apps that need an SMTP server to work, Fluttermail is an […]
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