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SMTP2GO updates & email deliverability tips from helping over 35,000 companies deliver better email.
Happy Valentine’s Day! We thought we’d get in the spirit by taking a look at some luuurve stats! Working on your marketing campaign? Maybe it’s time to take a look at self-love this year! ❤️
Although most have stepped away from SMS for personal interactions, interactions with businesses via SMS are on the rise with many companies looking to invest in SMS communication, particularly since the pandemic. SMS marketing SMS marketing is the use of SMS to send marketing messages to opt-in recipients and is best used for short and […]
Which colors can trigger which emotions or reactions? That’s right, color is super important when it comes to marketing, and if used correctly, it can provoke the desired response alongside helping with accessibility (there’s a great article here on accessible infographics for further details on this)! So, the next time you’re planning your email marketing […]
Email-preview text is the line of text that a recipient can see right beneath the subject line of a received email. It’s your subject line’s best friend and supports the subject line for optimum open rates. In order to reap its benefits, see our dos and don’ts of email-preview text below! Your email-preview-text strategy There […]
Email marketing was voted one of the preferred ways to receive marketing material. With that in mind, we thought it’d be a good idea to share our infographic on “Email Marketing, Do’s and Don’ts”. Is your email etiquette up to scratch?
Did you know, email marketing was voted by customers to be the preferred way to receive marketing material? If not, you do now! So, if your email marketing game isn’t up to scratch, you’ll want to read on to discover our top tips on email marketing for small businesses. Make signing up easy If you […]
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