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SMTP2GO updates & email deliverability tips from helping over 35,000 companies deliver better email.
For our support team, SPF-related questions crop up a lot! But since 2019, when we switched from SPF/DKIM verification to VERP (Variable Envelope Return Path), we do all the SPF bizzle behind the scenes! What is SPF (Sender Policy Framework Record)? Updating your SPF record is extremely important when using an external SMTP provider. When […]
The web is a wonderful place, and over the last number of years, internet security has really ramped up. This has its benefits but means that we now need to remember a lot more passwords, which can be a challenge. Even if you use a service such as Google Passwords, it can still be a […]
If you’re experiencing slow sending speeds, here are a few important things to consider… The SMTP protocol can often require many “round-trip” cycles, where your computer/server has to wait for a response from us, and vice versa. Normally the best way improve slow sending speeds is to do the following: Open up multiple simultaneous SMTP […]
Whether you’re considering or already using email for your brand, acquisition, or retention efforts, email testing is vital to any marketing or communications strategy and will pay dividends in additional customer engagement and performance – no matter what your objectives are. Email testing can be executed in a few different ways. We’ll look at A/B […]
Spam: it clogs your inbox, tests your trust and sends you raging through your morning emails! Fight back against the spammers and become your inbox’s proactive gatekeeper. We’ve created a quick guide to put the control back in your hands, showing you exactly how best to deal with spam and shut down the spammers behind […]
IP reputation represents just one piece of your delivery strategy. When email began, all we needed for good deliverability rates was a good IP reputation, nothing else mattered! Scarily enough, some email senders still believe this to be true. Well, far from it! So what are the other pieces to our puzzle? What makes up […]
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