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  • Email Delivery & Tips

How to Solve Email Delivery Issues

Sending email with SMTP2GO is a piece of cake but, occasionally, it can go wrong… In this post, we take a look at how to investigate and troubleshoot email delivery issues in your SMTP2GO account, helping ensure the best delivery rates. Email delivery issues: how to troubleshoot Log in to your SMTP2GO account, go to […]

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  • Email Delivery & Tips

Top Tips: Landing In The Primary Folder

Falling into the right tab is never just a happy accident. It takes a few purposeful actions to work your way into the Primary folder, and we’re here to help you do it. If you’d rather not fall into the pit of Promotions, see our handy tips below. Gmail (and beyond) have initiated a way […]

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  • Email Delivery & Tips

DKIM Deepdive

Today we’re going to take an in-depth look at DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM), and how it can help maintain brand reputation and improve email deliverability. What’s a DKIM record for and how does it protect you? DKIM has a very important job when it comes to email security and it’s to ensure an email has […]

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  • Email Delivery & Tips

Email List: Your Most Effective Marketing Tool

When it comes to marketing, there are many communication channels to choose from that can be a little overwhelming, especially for smaller businesses without a dedicated marketing team. There is one marketing tool, however, that all businesses should be taking advantage of – and that’s the email list. Email marketing efforts continue to bring ROI […]

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  • Email Delivery & Tips

How Understanding Personality Type Can Improve Our Emails

Email is the preferred method of business communication with billions and billions of emails being sent on a daily basis but could we send better, more effective messages? SMTP2GO helps improve the technical side of delivery, but what about the human side of delivery? I spoke to MBTI® practitioner, Tamsin Regnes, who talks about how […]

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  • Email Delivery & Tips

Which is Best: A Shared IP Address or a Dedicated IP Address?

Deliverability is still a challenge for most email senders. ReturnPath reports only one in five emails makes it to the inbox. Will a shared IP address or a dedicated IP address help? ReturnPath’s Deliverability Benchmark Report shows some industries are having an especially hard time getting their emails read. Only 43% of the emails sent by […]

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