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SMTP2GO updates & email deliverability tips from helping over 35,000 companies deliver better email.
SMTP2GO is headquartered in Christchurch, New Zealand and, every once in a while, we like to offer a shout out to other awesome NZ-based companies! We hear from Hesham Jones, who’s the IT Team Lead for Rocket Languages, a company that falls under the larger umbrella. Rocket Languages was borne out of frustration at […]
So many security breaches have started in the inbox. Keep safe and improve your email security by following these top tips. 👇
That joke is a real winner, but is emailing it around a real waste? While hitting send may feel harmless, your emailing habits could be causing a serious email carbon footprint. With new research showing an environmental cost, and other researchers concluding emails are a negligible drop in the ocean, is it really a concern […]
Not only are we friends to chocolatiers, but also burger-makers, too! We know which side our sesame-topped buns are buttered here at SMTP2GO! 🙂 Here we chat with long-standing customer Ramon Vazquez, who’s the CTO of Wendco: the fast food restaurant company that operates 20 Wendy’s outlets in Puerto Rico. They are also the co-owners […]
There’s a battle being waged just beyond your inbox… You can’t hear it, and you can very rarely see it. It is a battle to the death against spam. It’s ISPs vs spammers, with some anti-spam “entities” such as Spamhaus thrown in as covert forces. You, me, and anyone who uses email to run their […]
At SMTP2GO we pride ourselves on being a company with a heart. As well as donating to multiple charities at home and abroad, our staff is encouraged to take a day once a year to volunteer for a cause close to their heart. In Louise’s case, that means puppies! Louise’s Staff Volunteer Day “Working for […]
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