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SMTP2GO updates & email deliverability tips from helping over 35,000 companies deliver better email.
Secure links with our new SSL link tracking feature! Earlier this year, SMTP2GO launched click tracking: a handy feature that shows how recipients interact with emails, so a better user experience can be provided. Once it’s known how customers are engaging, it’s easier to tailor future mailings to their needs and interests. Similar to our […]
IP reputation represents just one piece of your delivery strategy. When email began, all we needed for good deliverability rates was a good IP reputation, nothing else mattered! Scarily enough, some email senders still believe this to be true. Well, far from it! So what are the other pieces to our puzzle? What makes up […]
With the right emails, you can encourage those silent subscribers to step away from the “unsubscribe” button – meaning you can finally breathe a sigh of relief! Re-engagement is a delicate strategy that ensures you target any disengaged reader without sounding like a desperate friend begging for attention. A growing subscriber list is always exciting, […]
Have you wondered what your email delivery errors mean? These errors can be extremely helpful in figuring out why your emails have bounced or have been rejected. We’re here to clear up some of the meanings behind the most frequently occurring email delivery errors so that you can improve your sending in the future. Hard […]
We’re passionate about email here at SMTP2GO and we know that writing a GREAT email isn’t always easy. Award-winning marketer, best-selling author and all-round email guru, Sam Bennett, offers some fantastic tips on how to write emails people read. Much like Sam, we love email as a communication tool: it’s personal, flexible and adaptable. It’s […]
Which colors can trigger which emotions or reactions? That’s right, color is super important when it comes to marketing, and if used correctly, it can provoke the desired response alongside helping with accessibility (there’s a great article here on accessible infographics for further details on this)! So, the next time you’re planning your email marketing […]
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