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SMTP2GO updates & email deliverability tips from helping over 35,000 companies deliver better email.
The setup of printers or copiers for scan to email can be a little tricky and may require trying a few different options for it to work successfully. Here are a few tips that we recommend trying, and some settings that are worth double-checking, if you’re encountering issues. Connecting to the hostname or IP address […]
An Internet Protocol address, more commonly known as an IP address, is a unique set of numbers assigned to a device on the internet or local network. When it comes to sending emails, you can use a dedicated IP or a shared IP. But what’s the difference, and which is the right choice for you? […]
If you’re a high-volume sender (5K+ subscribers) and have been sending gradually and frequently to your subscribers while your list has grown, you can happily skip this post. However, if your list of subscribers is over 5K and you find yourself in one of the following situations, you may want to keep reading to ensure […]
Are you fed up with providing a substandard email service to your customers? Then resell! As a reseller, you can create separate subaccounts for each of your customers, giving them full visibility into their email delivery activity. Resell and create separate accounts for each of your customers Every paid account with us already has the […]
The vast majority of our team is WFH and, as anybody who works as part of a remote team knows, it can get lonesome at times… And this is why try to orchestrate as many ‘in real life’ opportunities as possible! Our European and UK-based teams often meet up at events across Europe and our […]
The SMTP2GO Affiliate Program is one of the more generous out there! Whereas many companies offer affiliate programs with a limited window of earning opportunity, people referring customers to us will receive a 20% recurring commission for the lifetime of their accounts. Interested?! 😀 Get paid for sending people to SMTP2GO! Our affiliate program rewards […]
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