By supporting SMTP2GO, you’re supporting charity in New Zealand. Each month, we donate to causes that we are passionate about.
In the last year, we have donated to:
Smile Dial is a New Zealand based charity that offers support to the families of kids with special needs. They provide financial assistance as well as helping with fundraising, granting children’s wishes, organizing family events and providing well-deserved respite to the parents with weekend breaks. They also provide support through social media and meetups.
Wasp Wipeout Week works to reduce the number of German and common wasp populations in New Zealand. As an introduced species, not native to New Zealand, wasps wreak havoc on the native flora and fauna. They kill native birds, young bats, insects, lizards and honey bees, as well as injure humans. They also feed off honeydew, which is essential for the survival of honey bees. The destruction caused by wasps costs the New Zealand economy over $130 million NZD every year. In 2016, the Tasman Environmental Trust created Wasp Wipeout to purchase bait stations to try and reduce the wasp population. is a charity that aims to reduce the amount of junkmail being distributed in New Zealand. Junkmail is a huge nuisance, with the average Kiwi receiving 70kg of it per year. This is a huge contributor to deforestation. A 2008 ForestEthics report claims that the deforestation for junkmail alone releases as much greenhouse gas pollution as 9 million cars. Letterboxer provides free “no junkmail” stickers for anyone in New Zealand to demonstrate their stand against the unnecessary process. SMTP2GO has been sponsoring the stickers and envelopes since 2015.
Kidsfirst is one of New Zealand’s largest and longest-running early childhood education providers. They are a not-for-profit charity that offers early learning to thousands of children, and provides jobs to 400 qualified and registered teachers. They encourage outdoor learning, messy play and being physically active while exploring the world around the children. The children learn to tend to gardens and grow plants, and thinking and being creative is thoroughly encouraged. There is an emphasis on teaching the children about their culture and background too.
Special Children’s Christmas Parties host spectacular Christmas and extravaganza parties throughout New Zealand for special children who live with life threatening illness, physical or intellectual impairment, domestic violence, or in underprivileged circumstances. The goal is simple: to see children happy and beaming with smiles for a day, regardless of the challenges they’re experiencing in life. It’s a day – in which each child receives four brand new, top-quality toys to take home – to help them forget everything else that’s going on.
As well as assisting financially, we also like to get involved ourselves! We encourage our staff members to take a day to get involved with a charity in their local community.